  1. City Song

From the recording Anthology Vol. 1

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I had no money so I sold my guitar.
I sure did hate that day. I sure did love my guitar.
But I had a knapsack from a mountain equipment store.
And headed out in the shoes that I’d head out in before.

Hey hey… Regina.
Do you have a place for me to stay
I’ll only be there for a day and then I’ll be on my way.
Hey Regina.

Grabbed myself a rock glass and poured myself something nice
Poured myself Amaretto, Vodka and Ice
Sat in the cafe drinking godmothers all night
When your blind to your problems your def to advice

Hey hey… Quebec City.
Do you have a place for me to stay
I’ll only be there for a day and then I’ll be on my way.
Hey Hey Quebec City.

I had no money so I sold all of my baseball cards
When you don’t need money you don’t need any regard
And I spent all night searching in my own backyard

Hey hey… New York City.
Do you have a place for me to stay
I’ll only be there for a day and then I’ll be on my way.
Hey Hey New York City. New York City

I bought that ticket on that one way train and I stepped off of the box car and into the rain.
And I fell down. I knew I’d get up again.

Call me your street corner, call me what you will. Hush up little darling because it’s time for your
pills. I knew I’d get up again.